26.11. | 1 p.m. | Festung Hohensalzburg

Enchanting Christmas Tour in english

Visit Fortress Hohensalzburg on one of the weekends in the advent period and get into the yuletide mood on our enchanting advent tour. Join us on a tour of Salzburg’s major landmark, whose venerable walls host recitals Christmas rhymes and offer a marvellous view out over the wintry city of Salzburg.

Tours are held in all types of weather!

General info:

Meeting point: Info point (point A, entrance to the inner area)

Duration: 1 hour

Price: Adults €6, children €3.50, families €14

Payment: In cash or by card (info point)

Maximum no. of participants: 20 visitors per tour

Call us on: 0043 662 842430 11 or mail to: [email protected].

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Enchanting Christmas Tour in english

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