15.12. | 11 am | Fortezza Hohensalzburg

Enchanting Christmas Tour in english

Visit Hohensalzburg Fortress on the Advent weekends and get into the Christmas spirit on our enchanting Advent tour. Join us on a journey through Salzburg's landmark, where time-honoured walls meet Christmassy rhymes and enjoy the view of wintry Salzburg from above.

Tours are held in all types of weather!

General info:

Meeting point: Info point (point A, entrance to the inner area) 

Duration: approx. 60 min

Cost: € 6/ adult | € 3.50/ child | € 14/ family

Max. Participants: 25

Target group: Interested persons


Call us on: 0043 662 842430 11 or mail to: [email protected].

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[Translate to Italienisch:] Enchanting Christmas Tour in english

Altri eventi alla Fortezza Hohensalzburg

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