Salzburger Burgen & Schlösser Betriebsführung is an organisation run on commercial principles, under the ownership of the Provincial Government of Salzburg. It is mainly self-financed by way of admission fees, venue hire charges and lease income. SBSB is responsible for the maintenance and operation of Fortress Hohensalzburg, Hohenwerfen Castle, Mauterndorf Castle, Kniepass Fortress, and for the commercial administration of the Alte Residenz palace in Salzburg.
The team

Preserving Landmarks
We preserve landmarks
We respect our fortresses, castles and palaces as places of cultural interest that have left their mark on our landscape and history. We guarantee they are managed in an exemplary manner.
A quality benchmark for the preservation of monuments
The preservation of monuments is one of our most important tasks. To ensure these tasks are implemented to the highest standards, we rely on the expertise and experience of internal and external specialists.
Authentic origins & modern expertise
Our fortresses, castles and palaces are assured the highest standards of preservation and care by using both traditional and modern craftsmanship and materials.
We work sustainably & source regionally
Salzburger Burgen und Schlösser and its partners insist the environment is treated in a resource-saving and sustainable way.
Creating experiences
We guarantee positive experiences
Utmost priority is given to the overall visitor experience, so we insist on the best quality in all areas, whether run by ourselves or our partners.
We offer culture
Participation in communal cultural life is a human right. We aspire to fulfilment of this duty by providing target-group-orientated, barrier-free opportunities for our visitors.
All our treasures are on view
We maintain, use, manage and promote our venues, so everyone can see exactly what we have and what we can do.
Living history for all
The history of our properties goes back almost 1000 years. Our offerings give visitors authentic insights into their histories, the lives of their inhabitants, and of life in the surrounding areas.
We seek cooperation
Salzburg Burgen & Schlösser is part of a supra-regional network of venues and organisations. We join up with a variety of operations and institutions to participate in joint projects.
Working side-by-side
We value honesty & respect
We value every contribution and every opinion, cultivating an atmosphere of open discussion and respectful interaction.
We appreciate our employees
Our employees are our most valuable assets. We acknowledge their personal strengths, talents and unique qualities, and actively encourage each of them to realise his/her potential.
Optimised communication & workflow
Skilled communication engenders confidence, optimises procedures and facilitates continual development.
With all our heart
Working for Salzburger Burgen & Schlössern fills us with pride. Each member of the team fully identifies with what they do. It’s far more than just a job.